- Ausstellungsdoku
- Dokumentation Performance
- Film und Video
- Künstler*innengespräch
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C.Scapes is a video project exploring the city of Cairo, its spacial conditions and contradictions, discussed in the perspective of the private. Secluded or hidden behind windows and facades, the camera glimpses from inside out – from the private to the public sphere.
C.Scapes is a dialog between individuals, images and imagination; between visionary dreams and contemporary urban conditions, based on interviews. The desicion to record out of the private, not pointing at the street directly is a reaction to site-specific limitations, while at the same time opening new imaginative spaces. The windows and panoramic views contrast each other and are combined with statements taken from interviews, street-sounds and an urban soundscape.
C.Scapes is concieved as a large projection and installation. The work was developed during a two years process of examination in collaboration with Shahira Issa and Mahmoud Refat.