
radio_int.14/37 /media/playercomm?action=mediaview&context=normal&id=81

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  • LIA
  • 6 Medien
  • hochgeladen 9. Oktober 2015

Nur für Sichtungsstationen

Minimal is maximal: radio_int.14/37 is formal reduction of the finest kind. From a horizontal white line that splits the picture field in the middle, nervous light rays flutter into black ether. In radio_int.14/37, the media artist LIA develops a reduced visual composition set to the filigree music from @c. Stimulus for the creation of this work was provided by the Portuguese electronic label Crónica. They invited musicians and video artists from around the world to each create a two minute-long miniature for a CD and DVD compilation on the theme “Essays on Radio: Can I have two minutes of your time?” Radio should hereby offer an artistic reference point as a sound medium, as technology, and as a cultural form of expression. Similar to previous collaborations between @c and LIA, also created for radio_int.14/37, the visual level for the already existing soundtrack arose by means of specially programmed re-activated software. At the beginning, one hears only a fine shimmer, an electronic chirp, the light is bundled except for a few flashes of lightning on the horizontal.
As though the sound waves were suddenly visible, they increasingly spin a fine net of thin vibrating lines and waves across the screen, which are consistently arrested by the dominant horizontal, the generator, which reacting to acoustic impulses, sends the visual signals off into space like electric eruptions. As the progression of acoustic density continues; the intensity of the light reflexes increases and thus heightens the complexity of the weave of rays. Towards the end, the light flashes again subside to a flat curve, to ultimately dissolve in the whirr of ether. // Text: Gerald Weber, Translation: Lisa Rosenblatt

(Quelle: radio_int.14/37 – LIA (



AT : Österreich




mit Ton




Schwarz / Weiß