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Monumento is the epiphany of a parking bay that celebrates its own desolation and impersonalityy. The use of a toned-down version of the symbol of giantism and street brutality par exellence is a sort of liturgical apparatus, sacralizing and sublime. The gentle monster is transfigured, becoming an icon and overcoming its conventional identity. Its aggressive dynamism turns into a hieratic, static condition as its transport function is compromised. The truck therefore becomes an anthropomorphic vison that debunks the emblem-like, immaculate purity of a virginal, Marian attribute, and is contaminated by the luscious glimmering of a sex-symbol. The veil acquires the value of an attention-grabbing formula in a ritual of appearance, a hierophany that gets recoded and transposed into a profane mythology.
(Fabio Carnaghi, Promenade architecturale in Estasi urbane, monography, Milano 2012, Source: http://www.devisventurelli.com/single-text.php?id=18)