- Ausstellungsdoku
- Dokumentation Performance
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Rotating light cells, generated through video feedback, simultaneously changing their form, movement and relation to each other but maintaining the structure of their order, comprise the base material, (leader, 12 sec.).
The light cells are simultaneously animated and accelerated by refilming the video monitor where the speed of vertical frequency is being manipulated. The video camera rotated 90 degrees to the video screen is directed at the event horizon above the horizontal sync bar of the moving images and thus creates maximum speed down to ecstatic standstill, an experiment trying to find structure and reordering quite different to the original order. The speed of movement is so high that each field (1/50 sec) displays a completely different image, where the white light cells are experienced as grey due to the interlacing technology. Only those areas remain white where even and odd fields overlap.
The parallel sound world is dominated by “Möbius“ sound units emerging at the event horizon of time. The sound is generated by two sound tracks running against each other – i.e. one track mirroring the other in reverse – so that the two tracks being played forwards and backwards sound identical. The beginning is simultaneously the end. The “Möbius” sound is simply a temporal version of the spatial principle of the Möbius strip, where the upper surface is identical to the lower surface
(Source: www.sunpendulum.at)