Activities made for TV. Excerpts 1984 - 1992


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The following collection of videos present a series of activities made for television. All activities are lit, timed and shot for TV as its final form of presentation. The videos document my body in site - specific spaces in accordance with specific themes.

Hood Ornament (1992, 1:30 min., b/w, silent)
A public activity documented for TV - on 3/14/92 in Sun Valley (CA). Intent: to be part of something, in this case, the hood ornament of a Kenworth 18 wheeler.

Jump - from the series "Jump" (1988, 2:00 min., b/w, silent)
An activity in which I jumped off a roof in Hollywood (CA). The piece was shot in Super8 film and transferred to video. All post-production was done in video (slow motion, tint, editing).

A Round (1990, 0:07 min., color, sound)
Like Russian roulette.

Jumping - from the series "Jump" (1989, 1:20 min., color, sound)
Live activity made for TV.

Hopscotch (1987, 2:30 min, b/w, sound)
An activity performed in Panarama City (CA). On a friend's driveway August 1987. Intent: to play hoscotch and to show players points of view.

Roll (1986, 0:55 min., color, silent)
An activity made for TV performed at Saint Patrick's Wall (NYC). Intent: to deal with the architectonics of a given space, in this case, the wall.

Skip eats an olive (1985, 2:10 min., b/w, silent)
an activity performed at the Norris Simon Cancer Center at Harbor County/USC Medical Center. Intent: to perform the same function over and over again. I set up a camera and deck to record the image (me being exrayed, eating olives) off the operating monitor within the operating room.

Hello/Goodbye (1984, 0:30 min., color, silent)
Made to be aired as a commercial advertisement on TV.


(Skip Arnold)



US : Vereinigte Staaten


1984 - 1992


mit Ton





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